
Dingyue gives up the 20% Capacity Award! Lawyer: Shen Qingjing may plead guilty, but Ke Wenzhe will have no chance. Lawyer Li Yusheng explains plea bargaining and other related legal issues

李育昇律師表示,若鼎越真的放棄容獎,代表承認容獎違法,預料沈慶京將會認罪並全身而退,但就坐實柯文哲有圖利、貪汙的事實。 新聞連結: 鼎越公司向北市府發函表示,願意暫緩變更設計,意即放棄京華城20%容積獎勵。律師李育昇今(15)日在三立新聞「前進新台灣」節目指出,如果鼎越真的完全放棄20%容積,等於承認該容獎非法,預料威京主席沈慶京會認罪,便很有機會從此案中全身而退,但被控告圖利罪的柯文哲就「沒戲唱了」。 李育昇表示,圖利罪其實跟沈慶京沒有關係,圖利罪辦的是公務員,是辦柯文哲。但如果沈慶京願意承認有金流,「如果他只要吐出這句話說,好這個不…


What is the reasonable price of a lawyer in Taipei in 2025? How to choose the right lawyer?

2025年台北律師合理價格 引言 隨著台北市的經濟發展和法律需求的增長,律師費用成為了許多人關注的焦點。2025年,台北律師的價位如何合理,成為了許多人的疑問。本文將探討台北律師費用的合理價位,並提供一些參考資料。 律師費用的變化 近年來,台北律師費用呈現出一定的變化。隨著法律服務市場的競爭加劇,律師費用的價位也有所調整。2025年,台北律師費用的合理價位將受到多種因素的影響,包括律師的專業水平、服務範圍和市場需求。 台北律師費用的參考價位 根據市場調查,2025年台北律師費用的合理價位範圍大約在每小時新台幣3,000元至10,000元之間。這個價位範圍取決於律師的專業領域和服務內容。例如,專…


Ke Wenzhe’s protest was dismissed! Eating "The Best Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" in the detention center on New Year's Eve │ Lawyer Li Yusheng explains the process of criminal proceedings, trial procedures and witness cross-examination

柯文哲抗告遭駁回! 除夕看守所內吃「極品佛跳牆」 │東森新聞 記者 趙翊絜、李漢境 新聞連結: 民眾黨前主席柯文哲、威京集團主席沈慶京、北市議員應曉薇及眾望基金會董事長李文宗,4人涉京華城案、政治獻金假帳案等弊案,1月2號遭台北地院更裁羈押禁見3個月,柯文哲等4人陸續提出抗告後,11號深夜台灣高等法院裁定駁回抗告確定。高院指出被告4人雖否認指控貪污等罪嫌,但依卷內證據,足以認定犯罪嫌疑重大,因此裁定他們不得再抗告,確定延押3個月,今年農曆春節要在台北看守所過年了,此外北院預計23號首度召開準備程序庭…


Ke Wenzhe protested against the dismissal of the New Year's Eve in Beijing, and the reason was that he was "seriously suspected of committing a crime and had a motive to flee." Legal circles: he may be detained until the end of the year│ Lawyer Li Yusheng explains the process of criminal proceedings and cross-examination

柯文哲抗告駁回北所過年 理由曝 “犯罪嫌疑重大.有動機逃亡” 法界:要等交互詰問完畢、恐押到年底 │三立新聞 記者 游濤、何孟哲 新聞連結: 民眾黨前主席柯文哲、威京集團主席沈慶京、北市議員應曉薇及眾望基金會董事長李文宗,4人涉京華城案、政治獻金假帳案等弊案,1月2號遭台北地院更裁羈押禁見3個月,柯文哲等4人陸續提出抗告後,11號深夜台灣高等法院裁定駁回抗告確定。高院指出被告4人雖否認指控貪污等罪嫌,但依卷內證據,足以認定犯罪嫌疑重大,因此裁定他們不得再抗告,確定延押3個月,…


Wu Nai-ren’s extravagant banquet and Lin Bing-wen’s high-profile escape aroused public outrage and criticized “double judicial standards” │ Lawyer Li Yusheng explains the detention standards in the Zheng Wencan and Ke Wenzhe cases

吳乃仁奢宴、林秉文高調逃亡引眾怒 藍痛批「司法雙標」 │東森新聞 新聞連結: 富達法律事務所李育昇律師表示,鄭文燦案中,由於犯罪事實相對較為簡單,而且涉案人士較少,讓鄭文燦交保在外面已經沒有在串供或逃亡的疑慮。相對而言,京華城案犯罪事實較為複雜,而且涉及的關係人及證人至少有80位以上,而且尚有重要被告遭通緝未到案,如果讓柯文哲等人交保很難確保他們不會有串供,甚至逃亡的可能,因此柯文哲的人被起訴後仍被繼續羈押。 富達法律事務所Line:話:027…


Fraud syndicates used real-name online shopping to steal personal information and empty victims’ accounts | Lawyer Zhang Kaixin explains common techniques and precautions for online fraud

[Exclusive] Fraud syndicates use real-name online shopping to steal personal information and clear victims’ accounts. News reporter|Tong Yajun and Chen Zhenjia News links: There are more and more fraud methods, and the number of victims continues to increase. Statistics from the Police Department only yesterday (1/10) In a single day, more than 500 fraud cases were accepted, and people's property losses exceeded 400 million yuan. Now the fraud groups are targeting online sellers. There is a mother of two in New Taipei City who sells maternal and infant products on a social platform. Unexpectedly, she was targeted by a fraud group. Under the guise of real-name authentication, they asked her to provide personal information and then pretended to be a third-party platform and asked for a bank verification code. Unexpectedly, more than 10,000 yuan was deducted from the account and emptied. Now the victims have come forward to form a self-help group and remind the public to be more vigilant. Lawyer Zhang Kaixin explains common Internet...