information security

Chinese companies illegally poach Taiwanese headhunters and are searched | Lawyer Li Yusheng explains legal issues related to labor contract violations and information security


中國企業違法挖角 台公司獵人頭遭搜索|鏡新聞 記者 張景涵、黃冠瑋 新聞連結: 台灣一間科技公司遭人檢舉違法挖角人才,檢方調查後發現,原來負責人從2016年開始,在網路上開始招募研發工程師,之後再轉介到中資企業,已經違反兩岸關係法,22日北檢兵分五路進行搜索,一共約談9人,要釐清是否背後還有其他人授意。 富達法律事務所Line:話:0277093…

What are business secrets? Three major legal requirements for business secrets.


The three major legal requirements for trade secrets are stipulated in Article 2 of the Trade Secrets Law: "Trade secrets as used in this Law refer to methods, technologies, processes, formulas, programs, designs or other information that can be used in production, sales or operations, and It meets the following requirements: 1. It is not generally known to people involved in this type of information. 2. It has actual or potential economic value due to its confidentiality. 3. The owner has taken reasonable confidentiality measures. Therefore, a business secret must have "confidentiality", "economic value" and the owner "takes reasonable measures to keep it confidential". This is generally known as the "three elements of a business secret". "Confidentiality" among the three requirements for business secrets generally refers to the state in which information that can be used for production, sales or operations is "not known to those generally involved in such information." But actually…

Why are business secrets important to a business? What is the importance of trade secrets and what are the measures to protect them?


According to Article 2 of the Trade Secrets Law: “Trade secrets as used in this Law refer to methods, technologies, processes, formulas, programs, designs or other information that can be used in production, sales or operations and meet the following requirements: 1. 2. It is not known to those generally involved in this type of information. 2. It has actual or potential economic value because of its confidentiality. 3. The owner has taken reasonable confidentiality measures. "Therefore, business secrets must have " Confidentiality", "economic value" and the owner "taking reasonable confidentiality measures" are generally known as the "three elements of business secrets". Business secrets are one of the most important assets of an enterprise in its commercial activities and have an important impact on the competitiveness and long-term development of the enterprise. In Taiwan, the protection of business secrets is an important issue of legal concern. for…

What are business secrets? What are the requirements for a business secret? If the requirements for proving trade secrets cannot be clearly stated, is there any chance of success in the lawsuit?


In the protection of business secrets, if the three elements of evidence (secrecy, economic value, and reasonable confidentiality measures) cannot be clearly proved, it will have an impact on the chance of winning the criminal lawsuit. Such a situation may make it difficult to obtain legal protection for infringements involving trade secrets. Trade Secret Protection in Criminal Proceedings: The Challenge of Odds Trade secrets are one of the core assets of a business, and their protection is critical to a business's success and competitive advantage. In terms of protecting business secrets, criminal litigation can provide powerful legal means, but to win in criminal litigation, you must be able to clearly prove the three elements of business secrets, namely confidentiality, economic value and reasonable confidentiality measures. However, sometimes it is not easy to clearly prove these elements, which will challenge the chances of winning a criminal prosecution. (…

How to protect business secrets? What are the protection measures for business secrets? What are the key steps businesses should take?


Business secrets are the embodiment of a company's core values and are crucial to a company's competitive advantage and long-term development. Therefore, companies must recognize the importance of business secret protection and take a series of effective measures to ensure the security of these valuable assets. The following are some suggestions to guide the measures that companies should take to protect business secrets: 1. Develop clear internal policies: First, companies should formulate clear internal policies to clearly define what business secrets are and how to protect and handle this information. Such a policy should cover the responsibilities and obligations of employees, suppliers, partners, and other interested parties and clearly state the consequences of violating trade secrets. 2. Establish a confidentiality agreement: Enterprises should sign confidentiality agreements with employees and partners involved in business secrets. These agreements ensure…